Wrong number - Episode 5

The next day came, I prayed to the God my mother serves that morning in tears because I did not have the nerve to refer to him as my God at that moment knowing what I had done. I also prayed for my mother. I called her full name in my prayer.
“Abigail Oluwadbunmi Isaac, o ni foju sukun omo, Ina omo oni jo e loruko Jesu.”

_Abigail Oluwabunmi Isaac, you will not weep over your child and you won’t loose any of your children_

I felt that prayer needed to be said in my language.

We set out with no hospital in mind. We saw a hospital and decided to try it. We are about to enter the gate and something brought me to a sudden halt. I tried taking another step but there seem to be a force tugging on me . Right there I knew it was a sign.
“Tunde! I’m not setting my foot inside this hospital, let’s check out another one”
He looked at me and he was like what’s going on.
“What’s wrong with this one nau, let’s go in first and make enquiries”
“No, I said firmly. My spirit is against this hospital”
We continued our search and came across another hospital and we decided to give it a try.

We entered into the hospital, I walked up to one of the nurses at the reception and told her I wanted to see a doctor.
She brought out a form for me to fill. I filled it and gave it back to her.
She told me to go back to the reception to sit that the doctor will call me in.
I joined Tunde at the reception, some minutes later, I was called.
I entered the doctor’s office with Tunde. We exchanged greetings. He asked me some questions including the most pertinent - why I wanted the abortion? I gave my answers.

He discovered I was a student and She asked for my School ID card which I showed him.
He told me I’m going to take another pregnancy test which I did. He directed me to the hospitals laboratory.
Deep down within me, I was hoping the result will come out negative, that is the only thing that can put a stop to this nightmare, but unfortunately the result came out positive.
An hour later, we were back in his office with the result.
He checked the result and documented it, he also wrote down something on the case note.
“Are you responsible for the pregnancy?” he asked facing Tunde.
“Yes sir” he answered.
“Did you agree to the abortion?”The doctor asked
“Yes sir, it was our decision” he replied
The doctor brought out a form and gave it to him.
“You have to fill this consent form, which will serve as an evidence that you agree to the whole process”
“I just told you I did”
The doctor smiled. “You know we have had cases where the father sues hospital for aborting his baby without their consent. So you see there must be a proper documentation”

Tunde nodded and filled the consent form. The doctor gave us the bill and told us to go and pay to the cashier. The fee was quite expensive. It was a big hospital, so I was prepared.
“This is too much” he said as soon as we step out of the doctor’s office.
“Seriously! So you would have preferred we go to a quack ehn? See I won’t let you ruin my life, if anything happens in the future, you will look for an alternative” I said giving him a scornful look. I was beginning to hate him now.
“Wait! Where is that coming from?”
I ignored him, I went to the cashier and paid. I already withdrew enough money from the ATM machine that morning.
After the payment, I was told to sit in the waiting room beside the OR( operating room)
I was there alone. I called my cousin and told her my plight just in case anything happen to me. I told her the name of the hospital and all she needed to know.
The doctor called me into the OR, I saw the instruments on the table and ran out.
“ I can’t do this” I cried
He asked one of the nurses to call my boyfriend. He came and encouraged me but I was scared. The doctors decided to give me anesthesia to put me to sleep.
Hours later, I woke up. I saw my boyfriend, doctor and two of the nurses staring at me. They were all sweating profusely despite the fact that the air condition is on. I look at Tunde’s eyes, they were red, its like he has been crying.
"What’s happened here," I asked. Terrified.

To be continued...


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