*From the office of the President.*

*On behalf of the REDEFINERS EXECUTIVE OF UBEMSA i want to Welcome you to October and the last quarter of the year 2017.*

*It is my utmost desire that you progress beyond measures and I pray that God Almighty favour and bless the work of your hands now and always.*

*Truly, The first day of October is highly symbolic to all Nigerians worldwide, irrespective of our tribe, religion, age, sex or status because its marks our Independence Anniversary which is celebrated annually globally.*

*It is imperative to note that, even though we are not where we ought to be as a Nation, certainly we are not where we used to be 57 years ago.*

*In light of the above, it is crystal clear that a UNITED, equitable, peaceful, productive and better Nigeria of our dream is possible with YOU and I contributing our best as "patriotic citizens".*

*Together as progressive minded youth, let us redeem Nigeria for the next generations cum our unborn children. Let us change our mentality/ attitude and approach toward "Project Nigeria." It is do-able, workable, possible and achievable if only we believe and commit ourselves fully in all ramifications.*

*Yes WE can!*

*I want to also use this medium to wish every UBEMSite a happy new MONTH and a wonderful independence day celebration.*

*God bless Nigeria*
*God bless UNIBEN*
*God bless UBEMSA*
*God bless YOU.*




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