A Place Filled with books, gigantic,
An Academia filled with brains, fantastic.
A Place where stress is a norm,
Just to prepare for the storm.

A place filled with echoes of success,
An area where few lament after a distress.
Where you have an exam, then the re-sit,
Just to prevent an exit.

A league likened to that of champions,
As every one is a champion in their mansion.
An exciting and ecstatic atmosphere,
Though it gets tense when exams are near.

An arena where you battle through 5 MB’s,
Though many single out one as the MB.
Others Path/Pharm as the most tasked,
None the less all must be passed.

A school where you come in contact with many,
All with directions, many not your way.
An adventure you don’t want to miss,
An experience you don’t want to be told about.

Many are called, few are chosen.
You are among the few.

(c) September, 2013


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